
Hello there

My Name is Ben Naylor MRICS, I am the CEO of Gold Crest Trading Ltd.

I am providing Mindfulness & Meditation Sessions for Business People and their Staff. I am also building a Networking/Thinking group of Like Minded CEO's....

My Background: We are a National Enterprise and have grown to be a Multi Million Pound Business. We are not slowing down and have Global ambitions. But, to say the journey has been a 'Bed of Roses', would be a lie.

The highs and lows are extreme and the pressure has, in the past, led me to try and relieve the stress, with a little too much Alcohol in the evenings. After many years, I finally realised that this made the day to day problems 1000 times worse and led me to symptoms of chronic stress and dangerously high blood pressure.

However, luckily, I found Mindfulness, Breathing Techniques and Meditation. If I had not found these techniques, I am sure I would be either dead, or sitting somewhere on a park bench, with a bottle of whiskey, throwing plastic bags at strangers.

I now feel obligated to help others become more Peaceful.

My Goal here is to help Business Owners and their staff and work in projects that protect the Planet.

After years of Research and Meditation practice, I have realised that it is not money that makes people happy, but finding peace does. When you find peace, it also helps to make those around you feel happier.

These techniques can be used throughout the day but can be particularly liberating when out in nature.

You can connect with Nature, using Mindfulness.

As part of this endeavor, I am creating a group of like minded CEOs, Directors and Business Owners, who are interested in joining a Meditative Thinking Group, who are working in, or wish to work in, projects that make money, but are working for the 'Greater Good'.

I believe the new buzzword is ‘Conscious Capitalism’.

I am interested in speaking to people from all over the World, so please contact me from anywhere on the Planet.

I am also providing Video, or Live talks for Companies on the benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation.

With money raised, I am also looking to help the Homeless and people with Alcohol and Drug issues, who perhaps can’t afford access to this kind of help.

We currently support the Padley Center Homeless Charity, who do great work to help those in need in Derby in the UK.